Join the Wife and I sometime.

Join us some time.
We are always playing the Xbox via a Non-dedicated server. Host name should be "TheCage88"
Add me if you want to, my gamertag is: The Cage 88

Anyone is welcome to drop by, and participate in our adventures. (fair warning. Most of our structures are locked, but the boat is fair game for crafting and storage. If you need something, though, just ask).

Friday, April 8, 2016

Moving Day!!! (Part 1)

   When we last left off, We had just come back from the tundra with some oil and a couple of new sea friends (though they couldn't make it all the way to our base through the shallow creek). We had seen a nice little oasis on the way to the ocean which we both liked and talked about building a new base there. The house/base that we currently live in is getting a little cramped for us, and we are just out growing it. It's also built on the side of a mountain, on an incline, so expanding it neatly is a bit tricky. It's time to put down roots some where else, and my wife loved this waterfall in Smugglers Pass, so we decided that would be our view everyday. If only moving in real life were this easy. Upon logging in, we started gathering some materials to get us started out there. We'd take a few dinos to secure the area and bring initial supplies while we built the area up, then, once we had a house and a suitable dino pin, we would bring the rest of them. We have a fair few dinos at this point, I hope none of them get lost along the way. There are a few danger spots between here and there.

                   After we had gotten some supplies loaded up on our Trike and a bit on Mr. T we decided to take a look at our carnivores to see if they had enough food. We'd probably be gone a little while and didn't want any of them to starve. So, we checked them out and.... Hey, our baby raptor is all grown up! Seems like just the other day she was a little bitty baby, and now shes a fully grown raptor. We built a saddle to slap on her for some extra armor and since we were running low on meat for everyone, we took her with us along with Daisy, Jeff, and Mr. T to gather some meat before leaving. It didn't take long before we were hunting some big game along the river. Suddenly, an alpha raptor appeared. I was confident, with all of our heavy hitters present, that we could take him on, we went for him. Almost immediately, however, he went straight for our new adult raptor. We named her Lilly and she was only a level 3 at this point, so I was afraid she wouldn't last long against the alpha. I panicked and jumped onto the rex and just started spamming the bite button. Finally, it dropped after a few hits. I quickly went to check on Lilly but she was laughing. Hardly took any damage at all. That was a relief. We continued taking out brontos and other big game to re-fill our meat stocks. Then headed back to the boat.

                    In addition to our three raptors and Mr. T, we also grabbed the Trike and our Beaver, Woody. We loaded them all up on the 'Slice of Life' and set off down the river. I must say, it was pretty comical with Mr. T on top of the boat. It definitely looks a bit top heavy with him on there. Along the way, we passed by some pretty epic fights, and sights to see. There were 4 carnos and an alpha Raptor all on the beech at the same time at one point. It sounded like one of our dinos took a hit, but they were all on passive so they stayed on the boat, I managed to speed passed fast enough not to take any more hits. So, all seemed fine.

                     We passed the rest of the way down the river without incident and arrived at our destination. Unloaded the dinos and did a quick head count..... "Wait, where is the Trike?" I said. I definitely loaded him on the boat, I remember doing that. So, he must have fallen off at some point. There was an area where some rocks were close to the boat, we could have lost him there. Mr. T made it through those, though, So, I would have thought everyone had. We jumped on the raptors and set off in search. We left Mr. T behind to guard the Beaver (that guy was a harder tame than the five others combined). Re-tracing our steps along the beach, we made it to the narrow rock passage, but nothing. We continued down the beach for some time, one of us walking along each side. Hoping for a glimpse. I saw a Trike in a fight with something, and rushed over to assist, but it was a wild Trike.

                    Eventually, we came to the to the area with the carnos and alpha raptor. We needed to go through, so first things first, lets isolate that raptor. We managed to pull him away quite easily. We're usually with Mr. T when we encounter these, so they normally run away and we have to chase. Without our large friend, it seemed more confident in engaging us, and went straight in. We led it away from the carnos and dispatched it without too much trouble. As we came back up the beach toward the carnos, we saw that there was actually only one left standing, but a swarm of Dimorphedons had come to the area. The carno was attacking something on the other side of it, and then, it happened. We got a message at the top of our screen saying our Trike had been killed. We came in and carefully killed the carno, trying not to aggress any of the 20-30 Dimos flying around it. We were successful in bringing it down without attracting more attention. We then found the little paper sack on the ground that represented the remains of our Trike, with all the wood, thatch, and fiber inside that we planned to use toward building our new home. Our move was not off to a great start.

                    After dividing up the inventory between all parties present, we managed to be able to carry all the materials back, albeit, a little slower than we had come. Still mourning our loss (cursing over and over that I couldn't believe he'd even been knocked off the boat), we began setting up our new house with what we managed to bring out. My wife wanted to lay the foundation for the house to that she could "make it pretty." I was fine with this, since my mind was set on finding a replacement for our Trike. It would take some doing, since we had leveled up the Trike significantly and he could carry just under 1,000lbs (I'm just assuming pounds, insert your local weight scale here). I see a bunch of Stegos around and think to myself "One of those should do, maybe even better than the Trike for that sort of thing."

                   So, as I set about trying to tame one of the Stegos around, my wife gets started putting together the foundation of our new house. The only criteria we agreed on from the start was that it needed to be bigger than our current house, the rest was up to her. She did it all by her self.

                    Most of the way through, she noticed there was a female beaver just around the corner. Woody was a male. So, I thought it'd be a perfect catch since I was already busy taming the Stego. I tranqed it up, and it dropped much sooner than I expected. I think I only even got 2-3 arrows in, but it went down just the same. So, now, the race begins. We didn't bring enough narcotics with us, since we weren't really planning on a tame for this trip, so I grabbed Woody while my wife was building the first bit of the house to do some berry collecting. Eventually, I had gathered enough Narcoberries to make a stack of 100 narcotics. That should be enough between the stego and the beaver. So, I emptied Woody and handed him back to my wife so she could finish building the house while I finished the tames. They were both pretty uneventful tames, Though, a bug did tag the beaver so, the tame on her wasn't as effective.

                     Eventually, after a long while and many narcotics, I had finished the tame on both of them, and we named them. We called the Stego "Spike" and the new beaver "Jessey" (my wife loves toy story, if you didn't get the reference). By this time, my wife had finished the framework of the house. It was looking really impressive, and had a nice view of the waterfall across the stream. She even put up a dinner table and some chairs. She really wanted to paint the walls and ceiling, so she started doing that, I began building the second floor. After a while of switching back and forth between building and gathering, it was really starting to come together. The ground were we built was much flatter than at our other base, and it was much less cramped on the inside.

                    I decided to add a balcony off the back, to give us a better view of the waterfall. All in all, I'm very happy with our new place. I can't wait to get everything moved over and complete the process. It's getting late, so we have to put a hold on everything for right now, but we did get the structure of the cabin finished in time for bed.

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