Join the Wife and I sometime.

Join us some time.
We are always playing the Xbox via a Non-dedicated server. Host name should be "TheCage88"
Add me if you want to, my gamertag is: The Cage 88

Anyone is welcome to drop by, and participate in our adventures. (fair warning. Most of our structures are locked, but the boat is fair game for crafting and storage. If you need something, though, just ask).

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Expedition to Find a Cave (Part 1)

              Okay, so we've been living at the base of this mountain for some time, and I've always been able to reasonably rely on a couple of metal rocks spawning not far from our back gate. It wasn't much, but I'd run out there every so often and get anywhere from 70-90 chunks of metal per trip, and I've just been stock piling. well, things are starting to get a little desperate. The last few times I've been out looking for these rocks, they haven't been there. I'm not totally sure how the spawn mechanics work, but I haven't built any structures closer to those rocks since I first started exploiting that spawn. Oh well, ARK giveth and ARK taketh away, isn't that what keeps us coming back for more?

              Needless to say, we are going to have to find a new source of metal. It's adventure time! The river we live near has quieted down a bunch since our rampage with the Rex, so, we decided to build a raft to set off. The Rex wouldn't fit neatly on it so we had to leave him at home. Maybe next time Mr. T. It looked as though he was waving good bye with a tear in his eye when we set off, but I have a feeling that we are far from finished with our adventures on this island, so he will get his chance. Anyway, I'm so far off topic that even the map and compass couldn't get me back. Anyway, after spending some time constructing this raft and making it big enough for the Trike, my wife's raptor, Jeff, and a saber-tooth we found a while back, we set off down the river.

            Navigating the raft was tricky, but thanks to my split-screen navigator (my wife) we cheated a little by having her peak through the window on the front while I steered the raft. Rocks are a problem and more than once we knocked our dinos out into the water. Next time I'll have to build it up a little higher i think.

            Now, I feel I should point out that, while playing ARK, I try to stay off the Wiki as much as possible. Unless I'm truly stuck or I just want to know a little more about something I've just found. I don't go on there. So, when we go searching for metal, we really are taking a shot in the dark. I had read somewhere that it can be found in caves along with crystal. I need some crystal for a fabricator anyway, so we are looking for caves. I looked up a map to give us a general idea where to find caves, but aside from that, we were completely blind. Looked like there was one not too far away from where we started the game, our first spawn point. So, that was our first stop. We made it down the river.... mostly without incident. The place we were going, however, was inland, we had to abandon our raft and set off on foot. We ended up heading through a thick forest. It was really tough getting through it. it seemed every couple of feet we were attacked by something. usually a small thing like a dilo or raptor which was easily dispatched by our entourage, then right after each attack an army of insects came in to loot the kills. It ended up being more of an annoyance than anything, but one I'd like not to repeat. When we finally arrived at our cave. We realized the time and knew we had to turn in for the night. We must have spent about 3 hours on our way through the forest. So, we put down a small house and a couple of sleeping bags and turned in for the night.

           It doesn't look like much from the outside, but I wonder what adventures lay inside. Hopefully nothing too scary as we will have to leave our dinos on the outside. We couldn't get a single one of them to fit through the opening. We will have to brave the cave together, only relying on each other for support.

           We will have to pick up with part two tomorrow, But as neither of us have been in a cave before and have not even so much as seen a video about what to expect, so it should be very interesting. I will, of course, update the blog with details of our adventure. Keep a look out for it.

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